How to make a change from zero

This 7 MIN Abs workout is for all levels, especially for the one who are busy at work or study.

It is not easy to make a change because of many uncertainty. You may afraid of failure, or other things you are concerning for. Here is my own experience to share some steps for you to make a change.

As a little boy who dreams a lot, I think a lot, but hardly make a move in a short period of time. I understand that I didn’t move forward even I could come out a so called perfect plan in my mind. So I know I need to make a move even I may encounter failure.

  1. Step 1: Write down what you want to achieve (write it down makes you confirm your mind)
  2. Step 2: WHY (Ask yourself why you need to do it, otherwise, don’t need to do it)
  3. Step 3: 2 days 20 minutes (It is my simple rule to follow, you only need to achieve what you want for 2 days per week, 20 minutes each day. Consistency > Intensity)

Never too late to make a change, but bear in mind, make it easy to start off, like 20 minutes for 2 days per week, it really needs time to get progress.

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