如何從0 開始到100

Have you ever given up on something you like? like most people do, I hoped I could finish something in the new year. Soon I given up, I regretted what I did. However, later on I planned to do from the scratch, I made it, I am getting improvement and I feel satisficed in the overall process.

Actually, start from 0 to 100 is simple if you are consistent do it from the beginning. Most people don’t , they want to get to the 100 quickly like days or weeks. Finally they are not satisficed what they get, and choose to give up. Therefore, what you need to do is to do something simple first and add a little bit of challenge on it afterwards.

Here is the few tips I suggest for you to stick with your determination:

  1. Start from scratch, no shame to do it.
  2. Keep trying shortly in the beginning, like 20 minutes per day.
  3. Set a short term target for review, like 1-2 months.

If you like to improve your fitness from the scratch, 6 MIN active stretching and warm-up is a good start for all total beginners. Let’s do it together!


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